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Enchantment Infusion


This mod adds a directional enchanting method, inspired by the Enchanting Apparatus recipes from Ars Nouveau.

How to enchant ?

Two new blocks have been added to: the Enchantment Infusion Table and the Enchantment Infusion Pedestal. Use item to right-click them to put it in, and empty-handed right-click to remove item from them.

You need to place a enchantment infusion table (centre position) and enchantment infusion pedestals (surrounding position) like the picture below, then place the corresponding items on the pedestals according to the recipe (the order doesn't matter), and finally place the item you want to enchant on the infusion table in the centre, and wait for seconds for it to finish enchanting.


Crafting Recipes



New Recipe Type

This mod adds a recipe type (enchantment_infusion:enchantment_infusion). The JSON file for a single recipe is as follows:

  "type": "enchantment_infusion:enchantment_infusion",
  "enchantment": "minecraft:efficiency",
  "force": false,
  "ingredients": [
      "item": "minecraft:redstone_block"
      "item": "minecraft:redstone_block"
      "item": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe"
      "item": "minecraft:diamond_shovel"
      "item": "minecraft:amethyst_shard"
      "item": "minecraft:amethyst_shard"
      "item": "minecraft:lapis_block"
      "item": "minecraft:lapis_block"
  "input": {
    "enchantment": "minecraft:efficiency",
    "min_level": 4
  "level": 5
Field Required Description
type Required specify the recipe type as enchantment infusion
enchantment Required the identifier of the target enchantment
level Required the level of the target enchantment
ingredients Required the ingredients of the recipe, is up to 8, the order does not matter (this is a shapeless recipe)
input Optional the existing enchantment needed, will be consumed when infused
force Optional whether to ignore enchantment compatibility and force a match for the item to be enchanted, defaults to false

Default Recipes

This mod adds some default recipes that are derived from Ars Nouveau, but use vanilla items instead of those in Ars Nouveau:

Original Item Replacement
Source Gem Amethyst Shard
Water Essence Water Bucket
Air Essence Phantom Membrane
Fire Essence Fire Charge
Abjuration Essence Golden Apple
Earth Essence Leaves
Manipulation Essence Clock
Wilden Spike Sweet Berries


This mod has built-in REI and EMI compatible plug-ins, which means you can use either to view all recipes in this mod.


This mod has not been fully tested yet, so it is still in Beta.

If there are any bugs or suggestions, please provide feedback to the issue page.

About models and textures

AUTHOR: I'm not good at art 😫 so the models and textures for the two new blocks look a bit shoddy, if you're interested in making new models and textures for them, please contact me! Thanks! 🥰🥰🥰🥰.